Our heads are a little swollen with pride of our education resources (we did say we’d dived in the Oceans, after all), but we accept that for the best learning experience, it’s best to learn from lots of resources, in lots of formats and from lots of different points of view.
That’s why we’ve complied a list of some of our favourite, and entirely free, resources for both adults and school pupils. Just a quick note before we start to say we’re not endorsed by anything we’ve recommended, and if you follow a link, it’ll take you off our site, directly to the resources.
Explained – World’s Water Crisis on YouTube
Netflix have kindly uploaded the full episode entirely for free on YouTube! It’s under 20 minutes long and take a look at the world wide water crisis. This is one is aimed at adults or KS3 upwards. Watch it for free on YouTube here
WaterAid – education resources
Our friends at WaterAid have a fantastic range of resources for KS1 – KS4, which shares not only water basics like the water cycle, but also the fact that millions and millions around the world do not have access to these basic facilities that we take for granted. Go to WaterAid’s education resources here