Water saving doesn’t just happen at home. It’s something we can all do more of, at work, out and about and even at school.
Our water butts for school’s competition has been a huge success. A total of 131 primary schools within the Bristol Water supply region signed up to receive a free water butt, with the goal of being more sustainable.
Of course, the best way to really get to grips with using a water butt is to make it your own – and so, we ran a competition to find the best dressed water butt with a prize of £150 book vouchers for the winning class or group of children and £50 each to two runners up!
With over 50 entries, the judging was tough, but we’re delighted to announce that the winners are:
Otter Class at Cadbury Heath Primary School!

Their teacher Mrs Ria Chapman told us
“We are a small nurture group (4 children) at Cadbury Heath Primary School. As a base colour we spray painted the whole water butt. We used feathers, googly eyes, lollipop sticks, pipe cleaners, beads, and crayons to decorate it. We also drew ourselves and placed us holding hands around the world. On the lid of our water butt in gold and silver pen we wrote ‘Otter class, Nov’”.
We were very impressed with the amount of detail and particularly enjoyed the ‘round the world’ theme. The children holding hands were especially cute. Plus, who doesn’t love a googly eye?
Special mentions also go to the Puffin Class in Year 2 at The Dolphin School for their excellent four seasons water butt and the Diamond Class and friends at the New Siblands School for their fingerprint bugs and pretty nature theme. Each of these classes will receive a £50 book voucher!
We’ve also been delighted to hear about all the gardening clubs, recycling projects and even ‘green teams’ that exist within our schools. We’ve loved hearing about some of the lessons the children have been doing around the water cycle and water saving. If every one of us makes a small change, it’ll all add up to make a big difference!